My days as a post-doctoral researcher are officially over so it’s time for quick summary or “précis” for the alliteration. Since completing my PhD (submitted October 2018), I undertook work as a post-doctoral researcher on four different projects, each of

Registration now closed. Calling all PhDs and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) for a sandpit-style workshop. When is it? February 3-4 @ University of Surrey, UK Who is it for? PhD students or Early Career Researchers (ERCs) working on topics in

I have been working at the University of Dundee since April on an EPRSC-funded research project called TAPESTRY: Trust, Authentication and Privacy over a DeCentralised Social Registry. My role in the project is as a qualitative researcher looking at how individuals

As part of my work with the Living Digital group at the University of Dundee, I am starting to recruit participants for a study related to trust and online dating. I will be using qualitative interviews and focus groups for

I started a new job last week and I am quite excited about it. It is a short-term contract as a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Dundee (through November). During this time, I will be working with Professor