As thesis season continues, I am starting to feel more and more confident that I will manage to complete my thesis without (too terribly much) stress. And as September begins, I am excited (and nervous) about the next 61 days.
Tag: work-life balance

With August now upon us, I am aware that only three months are remaining for “thesis season”. And that is a scary realisation when I stop to think about how much work I have yet to do. And so, the

Wow! It is the 1st of July already. And that means that my PhD thesis is due in just four months. Yikes! Of course, that means that the next four months will be all about my thesis. Thesis, thesis, thesis.

I am on my holidays in America just now, and I’ve brought my PhD along for the journey. It is something that I’ve done with great hesitation because I know that I won’t get as much done as I’ve told myself

Last month, I shared with you my struggles for finding just the right place to work. I was finding it difficult to figure out how to manage my reading without being distracted – and without finding myself squirrelled away at home all

I’m struggling a bit with my reading habits just now and have decided to spend the rest of January getting a handle on them. As you may know, the first year of a PhD is filled with reading. Lots and