I have recently been awarded a small research grant from Edinburgh Napier University. The project, for which I am PI, is called “Librarians as Proxies: An exploratory study on the digital proxy practices of librarians” (LAP) and will run through
Category: Projects

I have recently been awarded a small research grant for a project that will lead to the development of a larger body of e-health research related to the use of e-health tools and online information in the self-management of chronic

Last week, the RAInS team participated in Explorathon 2020 Flashmob as part of Scotland’s participation in European Researchers’ Night, a European Commission-funded initiative. The flashmob was part of the Scottish Research Showcase, run in collaboration with the Global Science Show, and reached

I am pleased to share with you the final report from the DISIPRAC workshop held in Edinburgh on 27 February 2020. The workshop was held at Edinburgh Napier University as part of a research project called “DISIPRAC: Workshop report for

Registrations are now open closed for a workshop related to how information workers help people to manage their digital identities. The event (27 February 2020) is part of a project called DISIPRAC: Digital identity security information practices of citizens and is

Registration now closed. Calling all PhDs and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) for a sandpit-style workshop. When is it? February 3-4 @ University of Surrey, UK Who is it for? PhD students or Early Career Researchers (ERCs) working on topics in

I have been working at the University of Dundee since April on an EPRSC-funded research project called TAPESTRY: Trust, Authentication and Privacy over a DeCentralised Social Registry. My role in the project is as a qualitative researcher looking at how individuals

I have recently started work on a new research project, titled DISIPRAC: Digital identity security information practices of citizens. The project scope is to investigate the security information practices associated with digital identity, in particular, the sharing of log-in details

As part of my work with the Living Digital group at the University of Dundee, I am starting to recruit participants for a study related to trust and online dating. I will be using qualitative interviews and focus groups for

I started a new job last week and I am quite excited about it. It is a short-term contract as a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Dundee (through November). During this time, I will be working with Professor

I am currently recruiting participants for a research project that investigates how people help or support older adults to use social media accounts. Any help or support you provide to older adults or people with dementia at any age with

Last week was the start of a new academic role for me – that of a research assistant on a Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant project. I will be working on this project on a part-time basis for the next six months

Earlier this year, I worked on writing a grant application to The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland with my colleague, Dr Gemma Webster. And I am excited to say that the application has been accepted under the Trust’s

Last week I ran a one-day research symposium at Edinburgh Napier University, along with Professor Hazel Hall. The symposium, “Connecting people, connecting ideas” (CPCI), focused on research priorities in Information Science as related to everyday life information seeking and information

On 22 June 2017, I will be running a one-day research symposium along with Professor Hazel Hall. The symposium, “Connecting people, connecting ideas” (CPCI), focuses on research priorities in Information Science as related to everyday life information seeking and information