Three years after Write Now! was launched, we’re back! This time around, my colleague Dr Bruce Ryan (no relation) is the project lead, as he attended many of the sessions during the first year and was keen to get it
Tag: time management

And with that, I have submitted my PhD thesis for examination and thesis season is over! The last few days have been spent finishing up my thesis, all so that I could submit it on Halloween (success!). That included finishing

As thesis season continues, my thesis is finally starting to fall into place. Yes, everything is starting to come together and I am quite excited about that. This post is about how I plan to pull the full document together

Wow! It is the 1st of July already. And that means that my PhD thesis is due in just four months. Yikes! Of course, that means that the next four months will be all about my thesis. Thesis, thesis, thesis.

I am on my holidays in America just now, and I’ve brought my PhD along for the journey. It is something that I’ve done with great hesitation because I know that I won’t get as much done as I’ve told myself

My last (hopefully, my last!) RD6 review meeting was this afternoon. I say my last because I am hoping (praying!!) that I will have submitted my PhD thesis before the next round of these 6-monthly review meetings take place. So…

This summer is Thesis Summer for me. It’s the summer when I must, without excuses, get my head down and write, write, write! Luckily, July and August are two months devoid of conferences, training events, seminars, and other activities that

Write now!
Yesterday was the official Write Now! launch at Edinburgh Napier University, organised by me and my colleague, Iris Buunk. Write Now! was inspired by the successful Shut Up and Write! meet-ups organised by creative writing groups in San Francisco, something

When I began my PhD studies nearly a year ago, I did so knowing that the first year would be, essentially, writing a literature review. I was told over and over again that it was all about reading, reading, reading,

Last month, I shared with you my struggles for finding just the right place to work. I was finding it difficult to figure out how to manage my reading without being distracted – and without finding myself squirrelled away at home all

I’m struggling a bit with my reading habits just now and have decided to spend the rest of January getting a handle on them. As you may know, the first year of a PhD is filled with reading. Lots and