My days as a post-doctoral researcher are officially over so it’s time for quick summary or “précis” for the alliteration. Since completing my PhD (submitted October 2018), I undertook work as a post-doctoral researcher on four different projects, each of

The 2020 Information Seeking in Context conference is taking place this week and some of my work will be presented. The conference is hosted by the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria and will take place as a virtual

I am pleased to share with you the final report from the DISIPRAC workshop held in Edinburgh on 27 February 2020. The workshop was held at Edinburgh Napier University as part of a research project called “DISIPRAC: Workshop report for

Registrations are now open closed for a workshop related to how information workers help people to manage their digital identities. The event (27 February 2020) is part of a project called DISIPRAC: Digital identity security information practices of citizens and is

I have recently started work on a new research project, titled DISIPRAC: Digital identity security information practices of citizens. The project scope is to investigate the security information practices associated with digital identity, in particular, the sharing of log-in details