The School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University is advertising eight fully-funded PhD studentships. The school undertakes high-quality research across a broad range of areas, including but not limited to: artificial intelligence; big data, cyber-security; e-Government; e-Health; edge computing; future interactions; Internet of Things; interactive
Category: News and Announcements

I began a new phase of my academic career yesterday with the start of my first lectureship. I am now a Lecturer in the Creative and Social Informatics group in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University and a

Today marks my first day as a post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen where I am working in the School of Natural and Computing Science as part of an interdisciplinary, EPSRC-funded project called RAInS (Realising Accountable Intelligent Systems).

I have recently started work on a new research project, titled DISIPRAC: Digital identity security information practices of citizens. The project scope is to investigate the security information practices associated with digital identity, in particular, the sharing of log-in details

It has been a long time coming, but I am finally a doctor. Oh yes, I am now officially Dr Frances Ryan. The PhD kind of doctor, not the medical kind – just so that there is no doubt. When

I started a new job last week and I am quite excited about it. It is a short-term contract as a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Dundee (through November). During this time, I will be working with Professor

I am very pleased and extremely relieved to be able to (finally!) announce that I have passed my PhD viva – and with only minor corrections! This good news comes after more than five years of hard work and emotional

There are currently two fully-funded PhD places advertised within the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Napier University. The studentships, which start in October 2019, are Skills Development Scotland Collaborative awards offered through the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS). Key dates: ** Applications are

Three years after Write Now! was launched, we’re back! This time around, my colleague Dr Bruce Ryan (no relation) is the project lead, as he attended many of the sessions during the first year and was keen to get it

Welcome to 2019! I am very excited about the New Year because it means new roles (and changing roles) in my academic life. It is bound to be a busy year but, hopefully, it is an exciting and energising year

In November, I submitted a grant application to an internal funding competition at Edinburgh Napier University. The application was made along with my PhD supervisor, Professor Hazel Hall and I am pleased to say that the bid was successful. The

Next week I will be attending the 2016 Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) Annual Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, supported by a grant from the John Campbell Trust. As part of the full and exciting programme, there will be a university

Last year I made a successful application to the John Campbell Trust’s Conference and Travel Bursary fund. I was extremely pleased when the award was confirmed, but between the Christmas holidays and other (excitedly successful!) conference-related travel/news delayed my public

I was awarded a year’s membership to the European Chapter of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) last month, supported by an anonymous donor who provided two student memberships. It was a great honour to be nominated and an

Write now!
Yesterday was the official Write Now! launch at Edinburgh Napier University, organised by me and my colleague, Iris Buunk. Write Now! was inspired by the successful Shut Up and Write! meet-ups organised by creative writing groups in San Francisco, something