This week marked a very exciting, very important part of my PhD research: I completed my data collection! That means I now have a full set of data from 45 participants. This is even more exciting for me, as I have experienced a few delays in my data collection.
At this stage, my participants have been divided into three sets: Generation Y (born 1981-1997), Generation X (born 1965-1980), and Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964). I may divvy them up into narrower age groups for some or all of my findings, but this is where the groupings are at this time. Regardless, I intend to analyse my data through an age-based lens. (With an open mind to considering other ways of looking at the data.)
Each participant provided three general types of data: Some general background information about their education levels, employment, and social media history; information from a week’s worth of data collection; and the responses from their interviews. The background information will be used to help me classify my findings during the analysis stage and may help to determine sub-groups within the generations or other age bands. The data from diaries and interviews, however, will largely be treated as the same type of information – at least in the beginning.
Now that I have all of my data, I need to complete the transcription of the interviews. And then it will be time to code everything up before the all-important analysis stage. I will share a bit of insight into each of these steps as I go along.
Things are certainly looking up in my world of PhD dreams, and I am feeling more and more confident about those dreams becoming a reality. And that means that I will likely be sharing a bit more of my progress and thought processes with you. But for now, it’s time to crack open a bottle of Prosecco to celebrate this great research milestone!