Welcome to 2018 – the year that I am finally, really, really going to finish my PhD. And this is getting serious now. In fact, there are now only about 300 days remaining for me to submit my thesis – or I cannot submit at all. And so, the pressure is well and truly on!
When I started my PhD four years ago, I had great hopes that I would finish in three years and that it would be a positive experience. But (for a variety of reasons) it has been a struggle that has found me making one excuse after another for why it has taken me so long. To be fair, some of the excuses were quite valid and I probably should have suspended my studies for a couple of months a couple of times because of them.
But it’s too late now and there is no more time for excuses – valid or otherwise.
So I now have about 300 days to write an 80,000-word PhD thesis. Thankfully, some of those words are written. And I have no other responsibilities at the moment, so I don’t have to take time out of my writing.
And that means that the first four months of 2018 will be writing, writing, writing, and more writing. (And editing.)
I will try a bit harder to update my PhD blog as I go, but I have to prioritise that writing so I can’t make any promises.
Anyhow. Happy New Year to all of you!
The Doctor will be with you shortly…